☮ music is all around us.. all you have to do is listen ☮

Archive for October, 2010


Toamna tese fire de matase


E dragut aradul; dar nu as putea locui acolo daca nu as avea un motiv intemeiat :).. adica el sa fie acolo
A fost foarte frumos cum se vedeau stelele pe campii ieri noapte, le vedeam prin geamul din spate al masinii, o puzderie
Ceva mai mult decat amuzant a fost cand eram inconjurati de suporteri de la UTA Arad, pe stadion, si ne prefaceam ca tinem cu UTA. A fost o experienta unica sa fim suporteri incognito.
M-am intors varza de oboseala.
Aseara pe strazi erau multi tineri imbracati in monstri, dracusori 🙂 si fantome. Nu am poze cu ei, dar am poze dragute din oras si de la meci –>Best of ARAD

Enjoy ya’ll.

come and play with me

“Motivation is an external, temporary high that pushes you forward. Inspiration is a sustainable internal glow which pulls you forward.” ~ Thomas Leonard

Printre frunze

Woman with umbrella under the trees

‎”When you come to me, unbidden, / Beckoning me / To long-ago rooms, / Where memories lie. / Offering me, as to a child, an attic, / Gatherings of days too few. / Baubles of stolen kisses. / Trinkets of borrowed loves. / Trunks of secret words, I cry.” Maya Angelou

Autumn tastes

Like you when you’re melancholic or busy

Creepy crawlers and other ghouls

I feel

“back then i vibrated in your arms, even now, when i see your smile in a photograph, but now i am just another flower” ~ Ada Brink

Pasari de curte

“Work like you dont need the money, love like youve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching.” ~ Randall G. Leighton


The Lovely Bones

Awesome movie, very nicely done; it gave me the goosebumps, but also teaches a lesson kids and people in general should never ever forget


“Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.” k. vonnegut






Pigeons @ ‘Don Orione’ High School yard


“If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.” ~ Arabian Proverb


bbeautiful bbut cold outside 😀


A new galaxy discovered 🙂



De jur imprejur – liniste.
Turme ocolind incet Carul Mare
Pastori intinsi la umbra in iarba.
Caleidoscop de imagini pierdute prin timpul ireversibil.
Undeva si departe,
Tu si eu, cu burta la soare,
Cu parul valvoi si bujori in obraji
Si flori de mac plutind, atat de rosii,
Pe lacul amintirilor
Si tot august.



“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” ~ Reinhold Niebuhr


Nu-ti imaginezi decat lucrurile de care tu insuti esti in stare.


Hello autumn