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Posts tagged “iarna

Peisaje de iarna

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Lil dog

Welcome to my party

The most wonderful time of the year

Dupa amiaza de decembrie

Powdered path

powdered path
among the trees
frosted flowers
growing wild
little rivers
slowly flow
icy sleep.

up above
high above
two birds lost
two black dots
flying high
in the sky
papery white
and my pen

stepping down
the hill whispers
in the wind.
to the village
to the village
passing time
stories, flames
chimney smoke.

and I smile
singing soft
swirls rise up
up above
high above
dancing dreams.
as we kiss
hands get warm
in your pocket.

footprints left
all behind
in the snow.


poem by me

My love for snow grew in time


“And so at last, you sleep, in the circle of my arms / that push back the shadows so that you can rest – / vegetables, seaweed, herbs: the foam of your dreams”

Pablo Neruda

It’s beginning to look like winter

Waiting for the snow

stiu ca la tine e ca o poveste.. si langa tine.